About Us


RESILINK is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union
PRIMA S2 2021 – Project duration 2022-2026

Section 2 Multi-Topic – Thematic Area 3 – Agro-food Value Chain
Topic 2.3.1 Increasing the resilience of small-scale farms to global challenges and COVID-like crisis by using adapted technologies, smart agri-food supply chain and crisis management tools

Get the PRIMA 2021 booklet where RESILINK is presented in pages 128-129

There also the PRIMA 2020 booklet and the PRIMA 2022 booklet

Latest News

RESILINK has been very active in May 2024!

The RESILINK partners have been very active in May 2024!First Symposium of InovFarmer.MED, organized by INOVFARMER in collaboration with MED-LINKS, FAIRCHAIN and RESILINK at INRAE in Avignon, France.AIAGRI Day’2024 organized …

AI-AGRI-DAYS’2024 organized at USMS

The 1st Scientific Days on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Agriculture organized at University Sultan Moulay Slimane (USMS) on May 16th, 2024 will be supported by RESILINK!