Resilient Smallholders Initiative
On May 31st, 2024, 4 projects launched the Resilient Smallholders Initiative to collaborate and share knowledge, results and digital tools to increase smallholder farmers’ resilience in the agri-food chain: PRIMA INOVFARMER, PRIMA RESILINK, PRIMA MED-LINKS and HE EU4ADVICE.
Links on digital technologies & smallholder-related issues
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) resources
- Digital Technologies in Agriculture and Rural Areas: Status Report
- HIGH-LEVEL FORUM ON CONNECTING SMALLHOLDERS TO MARKETS: Background document, FAO Committee on World Food Security. June 2015.
- Boosting smallholder resilience for recovery: Boosting the resilience of smallholders for COVID-19 recovery. FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme: Latin America and the Caribbean. 2021.
- Digital technology applications in COVID-19 response plans
- Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) resources
- World Vegetable Center resources
- 7 Steps to Connecting Farmers to New Markets: A Practical Guide. B. Dent, J. Macharia. World Vegetable Center Publication No.17-824. 2017.
- Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) resources
- Connecting Smallholders to Markets: An analytical Guide. Civil Society Mechanism (CSM). Dec. 2016.
- World Food Programme (WFP) resources
- Connecting smallholder farmers to markets. World Food Programme (WFP). 2016.
Other projects for agricultural knowledge / tools