NEWSLETTER #1 (Sep. 2023): Quick presentation of the PRIMA RESILINK project, what are the main objectives and contributions, why is it more than a product selling platform, …

NEWSLETTER #2 (Feb. 2024): The lower layer of the RESILINK digital platform: the ODEP component, the RESILINK mobile application mockup, how the RESILINK team is preparing the large-scale evaluation program, …

NEWSLETTER #3 (Jul. 2024): A review of all activities in May 2024, The Resilient Smallholder Initiative, …

NEWSLETTER #4 (Dec. 2024): Test of the RESILINK Mobile App, Evaluation Program, Activities of the Resilient Smallholder Initiative, …

Jan. 5-6, 2025. As part of the RESILINK Evaluation Program, ARC in Egypt organized in Beni Suef Governorate a training session to present the RESILINK digital platform and the RESILINK mobile application to more than 35 smallholders.

Dec. 26th, 2024. As part of the RESILINK Evaluation Program, USMS in Morocco organized a training session to present the RESILINK digital platform and the RESILINK mobile application.

Dec. 10th, 2024. As part of the RESILINK Evaluation Program, INRA in Morocco has started interviews and demo/work sessions to install and use the RESILINK Mobile Application. The Evaluation session was conducted in a farm that is also proposing various agriculture services in the Labrachoua village. Farmers were able to install and thoroughly test with the mobile application. As farmers are familiar to the farm environment, discussions have been conducted in an informal manner, easing the collection of feedback after the installation and the demonstration of the mobile application. 

Nov. 21st, 2024. RESILINK presented its activities, main outcome and how it can contribute to increase smallholder farmers’ resilience at the 1st webinar of the Resilient Smallholder Initiative.

Nov. 18-19, 2024. Another event, but in Egypt this time! At the 18th Scientific Association for Agricultural Guidance Conference that took place at the Center for Sustainable Development of Matrouh Resources, Desert Research Center, Marsa Matrouh City, Dr. Tamer Mansour from ARC research team presented a research note as well as a poster to explain how RESILINK’s approach of digital platforms for sharing localized resources in crisis situation can bring more resilience in the smallholder farmer communities.

Nov. 19th, 2024. Pr. Abdendi Elaloui from the USMS team (Morocco, Beni-Mellal) organized a workshop exhibiting the Al Moutmir initiative for smallholder farmers. RESILINK is proud to be part of this event to demonstrate how digital technologies can contribute to increase smallholder farmers’ resilience.

Nov. 18th, 2024. Master student in Computer Science from University of Pau have volunteered to participate in the RESILINK Mobile App Evaluation Program. They will do their best to act as farmers and will provide feedback on the User Experience. As Computer Scientist we expect them to have more technology-oriented feedback.

Nov. 5th, 2024. Pr. Congduc Pham from UPPA and coordinator of RESILINK was invited to give a keynote at the workshop on Smart Farming that was organized as part of the IEEE EDiS 2024 international conference on Embedded and Distributed System, Béchar, Algeria, Nov. 3-5, 2024. He gave a keynote entitled “TRANSDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: illustration with PRIMA INTEL-IRRIS et PRIMA RESILINK” where he presented the transdisciplinary approach adopted by RESILINK to take into account smallholder farmers’ specificities to develop and propose adapted technological solutions.

Oct. 29th, 2024. The RESILINK’s objectives, approach and mobile app was presented by Dr. Seham El Gamal from ARC at the International Conference of the Patent Contact Office in the Fields of Agriculture and Food Security. Beyond the presentation of RESILINK’s approach, the ARC team is leading a study on how digital tools should be designed and introduced to maxime technology adoption: “A New Vision for Enhancing the Resilience of Small Farmers in North Africa in Accessing Resources and Markets During Crises: The RESILINK Platform as a Model”. Download the article, the presentation and the poster

Oct. 24th, 2024. RESILINK is starting the larger scale evaluation program to prepare the Living-Lab! Read the evaluation program guide. More information on the RESILINK piloting page.

Oct. 22nd, 2024. RESILINK is more than ever engaged in the Resilient Smallholder Initiative by setting up the RSI’s web site:

Oct. 3rd, 2024. C. Pham from UPPA participated to the EURO-MEDITERRANEAN INNOVATION MARKETPLACE in Cairo. Discussions on collaboration opportunities and how both EU and PRIMA foreseen & plan innovation in Africa were highly interesting! Putting priority in reaching the smallholder farmer communities has never been so important to increase inclusiveness when talking about innovation.

June 24th, 2024. The RESILINK mobile app has a new User Interface and will provide a more intuitive User Experience! Based on feedback from a series of workshops and interviews conducted from March 2023 to May 2024 by Algerian, Egyptian and Moroccan research teams with questionnaires and RESILINK mobile app Figma-based mockup, the developer team at UPPA and ORANGE has finalized the prototype that will be used for the large-scale evaluation program of the RESILINK mobile app to prepare the piloting in Living-Lab mode. Multi-language support to provide the framework for an Arabic version was identified as a critical issue and is thus implemented to offer an Arabic version!

May 27-29, 2024. Orange and UPPA had a technical meeting for the RESILINK mobile app at UPPA.

May 22-23, 2024. The UMCM team in Algeria participated to the 22nd edition of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Breeding and Agro Industry (SIPSA FILAHA 2024) to present the RESILINK project, its objectives and latest achievements!

May 23rd, 2024. RESILINK is candidating to pitch at the Orange Tech Days 2024! See the pitch video that has been produced! 

May 21st, 2024. Participation of the USMS team of RESILINK at the second edition of the International Exhibition for Agricultural Technology and Food Industry, organized in Beni-Mellal from May 21st to 26th. The RESILINK’s objectives, as well as the mockup of the RESILINK mobile app have been presented to the exhibition participants.

May 16th, 2024. AIAGRI Day’2024 is happening in Morocco at University Sultan Moulay Slimane (USMS, Beni-Mellal). As AI technology is everywhere now, this scientific day is definitely important to really understand how AI can contribute to the agriculture domain! Download the program.

May 16th, 2024. The First Symposium of InovFarmer.MED, organized by INOVFARMER in collaboration with MED-LINKS, FAIRCHAIN and RESILINK at INRAE in Avignon, France, shows so many interesting contributions for the agro-food value chain! See the online program of the event where  the .pdf of all the posters can be downloaded. You can also download the .pdf version of the program. 

Here is the keynote made by Pr C. Pham for the RESILINK project: Digital platforms for increasing smallholders’ resilience: facilitating digital transition and stimulating local innovation.

Apr. 15th, 2024. RESILINK will participate to the First Symposium of InovFarmer.MED, organized by INOVFARMER in collaboration with MED-LINKS, FAIRCHAIN and RESILINK. Register to follow the symposium on May 16-17, 2024.

March 4th, 2024. Dr T. Benabdelouahab from INRA Rabat was invited to the “#1 North Africa DCAS Training Event to Support Climate Resilience for Smallholder Agriculture” in Cairo, Egypt. He presented how to “Empowering Moroccan Farmers with Advanced Digital and Climate-Smart Agricultural Solutions” where he explained how the RESILINK project can contribute to address the agricultural research strategic challenges.

Jan. 17th, 2024. RESILINK project and the work realized by the Egyptian teams was presented by Dr Seham El-Gamal from ARC at the “PRIMA_MEDISMART” project Final Capitalization workshop that took place in the National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt. Get the slides in .pdf.


Nov. 11th, 2023. The RESILINK mobile app mockup has been finalized for partners to use it in an interactive manner during interviews with smallholders. Watch the mockup video.

October 26th, 2023. The RESILINK team met to prepare the next surveys using the RESILINK mobile app mockup based on Figma. Feedbacks will be collected to have several design iterations in order to make sure the proposed functionalities and user interface are in line with the smallholders’ needs.

May 25th, 2023. The whole RESILINK team took the opportunity of the General Meeting at INRA Rabat to visit farmers and have discussion on RESILINK’s approach.

May 24th, 2023. Scientific day of the PRIMA RESILINK project organized at INRA Research Center Rabat, Morocco, by the INRA team (Dr. Hayat Lionbui, Dr. Tarik Benabdelouahab, Dr. Elhaj Elmaadoudi).

May 3-5, 2023. F. Latrèche from UMCM in Algeria presented RESILINK and its objectives in 2 international conferences in Skikda and Bordj Bou Arreridj.

From May 2nd to May 5th, 2023, ORANGE and INRA presented the RESILINK project at the 15th edition of the International Agricultural Exhibition in Morocco, in Meknès!

March 31st, 2023. Congduc Pham (UPPA) was invited at the Symposium on Transdisciplinary research  for a healthy planet organized by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. He gave a keynote on “Digital platform and embedded AI to target the smallholder communities” presenting the main objectives and challenges of the RESILINK project.

March 20th, 2023. The first RESILINK event on “Increasing Small Farmers` Awareness about Digital Technologies” was organized by Dr. Seham El Gamal from ARC in Beni Suef Governorate in Upper Egypt. More than 40 small farmers were present.

With the increasing availability of mobile phones, wireless technology and the Internet, information and communication technology has spread even to small farms. The recent statistics indicated in Egypt that  (i) the percentage of mobile phone users reached 88% of the population, (ii) the percentage of Internet users is 31% of the population and, (iii) social media users reach 21% of the population in 2018. This is very promising for the RESILINK platform. More focused questionnaires on resource sharing and acceptability of the approach will be realized by RESILINK in the next few weeks.

March 9th, 2023. The RESILINK promotional video is released! Watch it on YouTube!

Produced by Rania Elsayed from AASTMT Egypt, the promotional video highlights the main challenges addressed by RESILINK and its main contributions.

March 2-5, 2023. The International Exhibition of Agriculture and Agro-Industries was held in Béni Mellal, Morocco (press article 1, press article 2) . It was an opportunity for the Sultan Moulay Slimane University, represented by Professors Mustapha NAMOUS, Samira KRIMISSA, and Abdenbi ELALOUI, to present the RESILINK project to agricultural decision-makers, farmers participating in the expo, and the general public through the posting of a roll-up and explanation workshops.

In addition, students were involved for interviewing farmers with a survey to identify their expectations towards the ambitions and objectives of the RESILINK project.

January 13th, 2023. As invited panelist at the AGRO-IT-DAY, Véronique Henry from Orange presented the RESILINK project, its objectives and how digital solutions can also increase the resilience of smallholders. Mrs Henry insisted on the importance of a user-centric design of digital platforms.

Oct. 25-26, 2022. The physical kick-off meeting of RESILINK took placed in Alexandria, Egypt, with the participation of Mohamed Wageih, PRIMA project officer of Agro-Food thematic area.

The meeting was hosted by ACICT partner at AASTMT (Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport). The whole RESILINK team was honored to be received by Dr. Ismail Abdelghaffar Ismail Faraj – President of AASTMT.