RESILINK has been very active in May 2024!

The RESILINK partners have been very active in May 2024!

  • First Symposium of InovFarmer.MED, organized by INOVFARMER in collaboration with MED-LINKS, FAIRCHAIN and RESILINK at INRAE in Avignon, France.
  • AIAGRI Day’2024 organized in Morocco at University Sultan Moulay Slimane (USMS, Beni-Mellal)
  • Participation of the USMS team at the second edition of the International Exhibition for Agricultural Technology and Food Industry, organized in Beni-Mellal from May 21st to 26th
  • Production of a pitch video to candidate at the Orange Tech Days 2024
  • Participation of the UMCM team in Algeria to the 22nd edition of the International Exhibition of Agriculture, Breeding and Agro Industry (SIPSA FILAHA 2024
See all these news in the NEWS section for May 2024!

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