Pinned presentations


On May 16th, 2024, Pr C. Pham gave a keynote the 1st SYMPOSIUM MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT: HUB FOR INNOVATION, presenting how the approach proposed by the RESILINK project could bring innovation in the agro-food value chain: Digital platforms for increasing smallholders’ resilience: facilitating digital transition and stimulating local innovation.

On March 4th, 2024. Dr T. Benabdelouahab from INRA Rabat was invited to the “#1 North Africa DCAS Training Event to Support Climate Resilience for Smallholder Agriculture” in Cairo, Egypt. He presented how to “Empowering Moroccan Farmers with Advanced Digital and Climate-Smart Agricultural Solutions” where he explained how the RESILINK project can contribute to address the agricultural research strategic challenges.

On Jan. 17th, 2024. Dr Seham El-Gamal from ARC presented the innovative approach of RESILINK at the “PRIMA_MEDISMART” project Final Capitalization workshop that took place in the National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt. She especially presented a fisrt synthesis of interviews with smallholders and presented the various barriers for adopting digital applications in agriculture. Get the slides in .pdf.


May 24th, 2023. Scientific day of the PRIMA RESILINK project organized at INRA Research Center Rabat, Morocco, by the INRA team (Dr. Hayat Lionbui, Dr. Tarik Benabdelouahab, Dr. Elhaj Elmaadoudi).

May 4th 2023. F. Latrèche from UMCM presented the RESILINK project in the first International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Agricultural Sector. The event was hosted at  the Mohamed El-Bashir El-Ibrahimi University (BBA), Algeria. See program.

March 31st, 2023. Congduc Pham (UPPA) was invited at the Symposium on Transdisciplinary research  for a healthy planet organized by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. He gave the following keynote: Digital platform and embedded AI to target the smallholder communities 


October 18th 2022. F. Latrèche from UMCM presented the RESILINK project in an international seminar that took place in the university of Skikda.